How to deal with help texts

Help texts are used at form field level to, like the name suggests, help the user recognize and enter data in a desired format. There are cases where we expect data conforming certain standards, like ISO, and we found to be proper to offer a more sophisticated help description for these fields.

We decided to separate help texts in two levels: The Short and the Detailed description versions.

Short Description

The help texts that users will see next to form fields.

In order to edit, remove or add new short descriptions, follow the steps:

  1. Edit <app>/;
  2. Search for the block of help definitions you will deal with. Blocks are grouped by the model class name;
  3. Follow the naming convention for the help text identifier: CLASSNAME__FIELD_NAME (classname in uppercase, plus double underscores, plus the attribute name the text refers to in uppercase)



JOURNALPARALLELTITLES__FORM = _("""Enter parallel titles in accordance with the sequence and
  typography in which they appear on the title page or its substitute.""")

Detailed Description

When a more detailed level of information is needed, we must follow the steps:

  1. Create a Short Description for the given help text;
  2. Edit docs/en/glossary.rst and add a new definition entry. See ReSTQuickRef for more details about the syntax.
  3. Push to the project’s main repository and the documentation will be built automagically.

Template Tag

Uses the custom template tag {% load scielo_common %}. This tag lives inside a package called: scielo-django-extensions, and you can install it using pip.

In order to add the help widget, you need to use the field_help django template tag:

{% field_help <label> <help_text> <glossary-term> %}

Example, for the title field would be:

{% field_help add_form.title.label add_form.title.help_text term-title %}